This site runs Weblate for translating the software projects listed below. You need to be signed in to translate, otherwise you can only make suggestions.

Project Translated Unfinished Unfinished words Unfinished characters Untranslated Checks Suggestions Comments
Kodi add-ons: PVR clients 43% 60,059 572,895 3,457,973 58,478 1,198 482 0
Kodi add-ons: audio decoders/encoders 20% 11,959 125,656 775,819 11,957 153 105 0
Kodi add-ons: context menus 51% 177 2,908 17,193 177 0 1 0
Kodi add-ons: game 10% 351,048 1,521,906 8,937,704 351,047 1,712 6,788 1
Kodi add-ons: image decoders 19% 1,744 28,708 161,761 1,744 1 27 0
Kodi add-ons: information providers 48% 9,630 62,215 404,839 9,623 101 21 3
Kodi add-ons: look and feel 24% 54,633 248,784 1,638,944 54,630 700 68 9
Kodi add-ons: music 51% 1,985 10,041 64,831 1,985 11 5 2
Kodi add-ons: peripherals 37% 632 2,990 21,695 632 0 11 0
Kodi add-ons: program 35% 4,874 17,154 102,969 4,874 42 6 0
Kodi add-ons: scripts 22% 115,127 516,204 3,114,471 115,123 829 198 21
Kodi add-ons: services 32% 27,313 180,246 1,154,101 27,313 313 166 20
Kodi add-ons: skins 31% 306,972 1,676,817 10,542,415 306,968 2,255 2,775 43
Kodi add-ons: video 16% 111,925 430,648 2,702,549 111,916 285 549 5
Kodi add-ons: videoplayer inputstream 27% 5,438 53,617 343,666 5,438 22 56 0
Kodi add-ons: virtual filesystems 25% 2,523 17,090 108,749 2,523 4 43 0
Kodi add-ons: weather 35% 5,269 11,582 75,689 5,269 43 4 0
Kodi core 73% 276,187 1,676,476 10,386,020 275,920 15,576 6,681 102
Kodi remotes 35% 35,426 141,290 861,536 19,218 15,468 370 1
Kodi web interfaces 26% 29,166 81,161 479,998 29,159 401 109 7

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