This site runs Weblate for translating the software projects listed below. You need to be signed in to translate, otherwise you can only make suggestions.

Project Translated Unfinished Unfinished words Unfinished characters Untranslated Checks Suggestions Comments
Kodi add-ons: PVR clients 43% 60,487 574,849 3,465,322 60,486 904 529 0
Kodi add-ons: audio decoders/encoders 20% 11,810 124,755 770,279 11,794 32 104 0
Kodi add-ons: context menus 48% 187 3,070 18,151 187 0 0 0
Kodi add-ons: game 10% 370,911 1,584,084 9,341,015 370,910 1,174 1,967 1
Kodi add-ons: image decoders 17% 1,776 29,238 164,769 1,776 1 27 0
Kodi add-ons: information providers 48% 9,705 61,687 402,461 9,701 106 28 1
Kodi add-ons: look and feel 22% 56,437 256,349 1,714,685 56,432 590 55 9
Kodi add-ons: music 51% 1,992 10,058 64,921 1,992 10 4 2
Kodi add-ons: peripherals 35% 654 3,096 22,463 654 0 11 0
Kodi add-ons: program 35% 4,908 17,297 103,912 4,908 41 5 0
Kodi add-ons: scripts 22% 115,207 516,734 3,117,750 115,185 803 208 21
Kodi add-ons: services 32% 27,153 178,684 1,144,129 27,153 319 158 20
Kodi add-ons: skins 31% 304,116 1,666,392 10,468,611 304,113 2,273 1,973 44
Kodi add-ons: video 17% 109,757 430,519 2,690,690 109,746 349 200 6
Kodi add-ons: videoplayer inputstream 25% 5,599 54,757 350,919 5,599 22 56 0
Kodi add-ons: virtual filesystems 24% 2,567 17,388 110,652 2,567 0 43 0
Kodi add-ons: weather 31% 5,574 12,211 79,738 5,574 42 4 0
Kodi core 72% 275,924 1,672,264 10,358,616 275,903 15,668 3,159 90
Kodi remotes 32% 36,914 144,008 878,219 20,290 15,818 37 1
Kodi web interfaces 26% 29,178 81,180 480,114 29,171 400 102 7

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